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Annual General Meeting 2024
Our Annual General Meeting 2024 will be held on-line on 12 September starting at 1 p.m.
All members are welcome to attend. You can register here

1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the previous AGM circulated to attendees at the times and corrections made
3. Annual Report: audited accounts & business results for October ‘22-March ‘24
4. Supervisory Report
5. Vote the board’s dividend proposal
6. Votes on rule changes
7. Votes to appoint new directors
8. Looking forward: our priorities for 2024-25
9. Members’ questions & any other business

Minutes of this meeting will be published on this web page after the meeting, once members who attended have had an opportunity to comment on the draft minutes and corrections made.

Minutes of the previous AGM
These minutes were prepared shortly after the last AGM and then sent to all who attended the AGM for comment and corrections. Reflecting the feedback, they were re-circulated with changes. Click here to download the file

Annual report
Click here to download the annual report which includes the supervisory report and our audited accounts

Votes on rule changes
The proposed rules showing the changes are here for you to download. The main change is to replace our Supervisory Committee with an Audit & Risk Committee, in line with changes in Bank of England regulations for credit unions and our increased focus on audit and risk management.

Also a committee of directors reviewing loan applications is no longer a practical way to manage lending: it slows down decision making and is a less consistent process than using a decision tool. The directors propose a vote according to rule 126 to suspend the credit committee.

Votes to appoint new directors
During the year, one director was co-opted onto the Board. In addition, two members of our Supervisory Committee are now proposed as directors. All three appointments need to be confirmed by members voting at a General meeting.

Chris Pollard is an employed barrister providing Intellectual Property and general commercial advice. He works with clients of various sizes across a variety of sectors including financial technology organisations. On our board he brings a legal perspective and rigour to our discussions..

Gael Decoudu is a global leader in Analytics and Data Science with over 20 years’ experience in Financial Services especially credit cards, personal loans and e-commerce. Gael has been on our Supervisory Committee for well over a year and has been invited to join the board.

We look forward to seeing you there!